Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Link and Boring Warcraft Talk

Link has started getting freaked out by the stupidest noises. He has always been afraid of thunderstorms and fireworks. Pretty common dog phobia stuff. Then awhile back, I noticed him getting freaked out by the low battery sound that the smoke detectors make. It’s just an intermittent “beep.” Then one night my cell phone was making the low battery noise and he started freaking out. Right now he’s being super clingy, panting and just generally annoying because one of the cordless phones wasn’t sitting in its cradle just right and was making a short, melodic beep noise every few minutes. I really don’t know how this developed, but it’s really annoying. He probably just needs more exercise. He’s annoying the eff out of me right now and is about to get put outside.....he’s out.

In our World of Warcraft exploits we attempted a raid in Zul Gurub (I have know idea if I spelled that right, in game it’s just referred to as “ZG”). We had baby sitters on Saturday, so we were able to try it. You need a group of 20 people to do it. We spent about three hours and weren’t able to kill even the “easiest” boss. It was really fraaken hard. When everyone gave up on the 20 man raid. We ended up doing a 15 man at Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS). Clobberella finally got some new pants! No more thigh-high plate armor leggings for Clob. So after about 6 hours playing that game sitting in front of the computer I felt like total crap. I can’t believe some people do that almost every night. I could see playing a couple hours or so a day, if you have the time, instead of watching T.V. (I’m sure that even sounds insane). Anyway, I’m pretty sure I will never be able to go on a Molten Core run. Those take 40 people and are supposed to be fairly hard. And just forget about Black Wing Lair. I don’t even think a 20 man raid is all that fun. It almost feels like a job. I miss the 5 man instances. This is just what happens when you hit level 60. Raid, Raid, Raid.

I couldn’t even figure out what we were doing wrong in ZG. The raid was well organized and we got the super annoying snake boss down to about 1% health before the party would completely wipe. Perhaps, it’s just a matter of we needed better gear. A lot of us had/have not the best stuff, maybe that would have made the difference. It still would have been really hard though. It sucked not to be able to kill one boss, because Luci (that’s Davey’s new name btw, to many Daves) and I probably won’t be able to do ZG again anytime soon. Since the raids usually start before the kids go to bed.


At 2:44 PM, Blogger Rosalitahead said...

Ohh that is nerdy.
and trust me I like it.

I am also listening to the two towers on CD at my desk right now so I am very cool.

At 11:36 AM, Blogger lisa ninja said...

I think you'd like playing Warcraft. There's this whole crazy social side to it I could see you having fun with.


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