Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Vomit Launch

The stomach flu officially took down our entire household. If you remember Roan had it about a week ago. I thought we were all in the clear. Friday afternoon I got really hungry and really tired. I took about an hour long nap and woke up feeling kind of lousy, but I figured it was from chugging a diet Pepsi right before laying down. We ended up going to Ikea and I had to carry Roan screaming from the check-out area to the car. This is probably why my shoulder hurt so bad on Sunday.
I got home and couldn’t figure out if I was hungry or sick to my stomach. I decided to drink some water and have some dry Cheerios. Turns out I was sick. The baby was sick too as her 20 million nasty dirty diapers can attest. I thought Luci was going to get away unscathed, but Sunday night he was dry heaving in the bathroom and walking around the house carrying the “barf bucket.” He never actually did throw-up, but he seemed to feel just as sick as I did when I was throwing up every two hours.
Roan remained chipper through out the whole experience. Luckily she can’t really remember when she’s supposed to go to ballet or preschool. She had to miss both because I was too sick to take her. Of course, now she has a cough and a runny nose again. I don’t think there is more than 2 or 3 days a month when there isn’t someone sick in this house. Thank you little kids and your little communicable viral infections.


At 1:35 PM, Blogger werenotdeep said...

I think my carpool buddy had it this week. Good luck feeling less grody, Ninjas.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger lisa ninja said...

I hope people stop getting sick with this thing already. It's just not pleasant. Thanks for the well wishing. We're all better now.


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