Friday, June 02, 2006


I am so sleepy. Roan woke me up a half an hour before my already set too early alarm was due to go off. Why did she wake me up, you ask? She stepped on and broke a crayon. A crayon that shouldn’t have been in her room to begin with as Sage goes around and finds every stray crayon (like a dwarf and treasure) and then proceeds to take a big bite out of each and every one. Crayons make a peculiar crunching sound when she bites in to them. They do sound quite delicious.

We have a play date in about an hour. I wish my coffee would cool down faster. Then we have to hurry home so we can watch a sweet little baby. This should be interesting. I can see what it’s like to spend the day with three kids. Should curb that inexplicable yearning I have for a third. I’m hoping Sage decides to take a really long nap and Roan will just want to veg out watching some cartoons. Then me and the little baby can just sit back and watch a dvd. I can dream, right? Anyway, today won’t be boring.

Lest you think I’ve actually gone and got a real life, I have lots of Warcraft stuff to talk about, but I think I will post warcraft stuff on a different blog. I’ll get around to it someday. It’s good to have goals.

I put a permanent link to beer and tv at the right. I think I’ve read the entire blog. It’s funny.


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